Introduction and Personal Advice
so today I’m going to be discussing the science and evidence behind this Ayurvedic medicine Shilajit because it is an Ayurvedic medicine that has been used for thousands and thousands of years for health benefits isn’t a ton of research behind the efficacy I thought that it would be really interesting to actually take a look at some of that evidence and then kind of present it to you guys I also getting paid to myself and use this for a couple of weeks show so I could see how it affected my own health
Shilajit Experience and Science Behind
My research and my own opinion of the shilajit, Now we’re going to get into the science behind it, What the heck is it is this tar-legged substance that is rich in fulvic acid and it’s only found in the Himalayan or Tibet mountains I don’t know why she always wants to drink water when I’m filming what’s so great about Hovick acid? easy-to-understand term attracts different types of minerals, antioxidants, and other trace elements to itself and creates this complicated chemical composition of a bunch of different trace minerals; it works as a sponge to help absorb other minerals, elements, antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins from the food we digest, and it also is a source of trace minerals; it is rich in zinc, magnesium, copper, calcium, potassium, basically any kind of trace mineral or trace element that could think transition into be benefit claims that it has probably a list of ten or twelve benefits that it has but I’m going to be focusing on three for this article in particular.
What is Shilajit?
The first one I want to talk about is energy and workout recovery.
The second one I want to go through is skin vitalization in regeneration third one is kind of a little bit of a Modge Podge I want to talk about fatigue and brain health.
let’s talk about the first category the energy and workout recovery now what I did is I went to Pub Med which is this big mecca resource of scientific research typed in Shilajit and kind of saw what came up the first test that I thought was very interesting involved 63 active males what I really liked about is that they randomized into three different categories
high-dose Shilajit supplemental otos and no supplement whatsoever for eight weeks either you are taking the supplement or you’re not taking the supplement they did a pretest measuring those contraction rates and then they did two types of post-tests that they did two sets of 50 isokinetic leg extensions separated by two minutes found that individuals taking a high-dose
Read also: Benefits of Shilajit, Honest Reviews after Use of 2 Weeks
Shilajit supplement had less of a decline in their ability to contract their muscles at a maximal level than those taking a low dose supplement or not taking anything whatsoever what was also interesting is that they measured in Hyp basically a higher marker of collagen degradation after high-intensity exercises collagen can break down they found that the Hyp serum concentration the concentration in people’s blood of hyp was significantly less in those after the exercises taking a high dose Shilajit supplement so what the study concluded is that this high-dose Shilajit supplement actually helping these athletes retain maximal concentric motion of their muscle very important especially in endurance sports only thing I did not love about this study is that it didn’t talk a lot about what the athletes were doing outside of this type of exercise doing other things other than sitting around waiting for eight weeks to do this study if be high-dose supplement
Shilajit Pro just happened to be the more active individual maybe these results were from things other than that she was supplemented the next article talked about 16 different overweight individuals and how Shilajit could up-regulate some of the genes that help build and retain muscle with this they had these individuals doing roughly 30 minutes of exercises on the treadmill throughout the entire study protocol found in oral supplement of the Shilajit seemed to upregulate the quote-unquote good genes that would promote muscle elasticity repair regeneration and increase in muscle fibers study was also only done over eight weeks so I would once again like to see a little bit longer of a trial period is it the Sheila Keefe that is causing this gene regulation or is it the fact that now they are being supervised forced to complete this 30 minutes on a treadmill three times a week muscle recovery.
Muscle Recovery: Personal Experience
personal experience with trying this out for a couple of weeks, I didn’t see increases in muscle recovery; I didn’t see an astronomical increase in energy However you were eating a standard American diet; you are only getting the minimal amount of recommendations for exercising Could you see better results with Shilajit than me? maybe there are some good studies out there suggesting that Shilajit helping the next health claim that skin vitality.
Skin Vitality and Regeneration
I wanted to dig a little bit deeper in is the skin revitalization especially, in regards to wounds, burns, stretch marks bruises information provided on the site talked a lot about how zinc copper magnesium all these different trace elements that are found in this product aid in helping skin regeneration I would compare it more to information when you hear how multivitamins are good for overall How is Shilajit good for overall skin health? I couldn’t find any studies measuring skin revitalization using Shilajit. This health claim makes sense because of all the elements and minerals in Shilajit. However, I don’t think that there’s enough proof to say that you’re going to then have this amazing skin or that your bruises and wounds, and burns are going to heal better by taking Shilajit skin.
Fatigue and Brain Health
the last one I want to talk about is fatigue and brain how I’m very passionate about this topic because with the mental health crisis that is going on in our world today as well as people being just tired all the time I want to make sure that I can do everything that I can to provide you guys with information to help with those topics so it’s really really sorry about my janky laptop case I found two really interesting research articles one talking about chronic fatigue syndrome and the other one talking about brain edema and intracranial pressure it’s not good if you have those things let’s just put it that way the only issue that I had of these studies is that they were both performed in rats rat brain doesn’t Iko human brain they gave them Gord on quote chronic fatigue syndrome and then the rats were treated with Shilajit and what they found in this study is that rats receiving a higher dose of the Shilajit their mitochondria which is kind of like the energy producer in ourselves we’re functioning at a better rate than the other rats with a lower dose of Shilajit they speculated that ergo it will help with their batik syndrome the reason I’m talking about it is because it warns further research in this topic interesting if they could open this up to human studies and see if it could help a human population the second one I thought was very very promising so this study took 105 male rats with this brain edema and high intracranial pressure and injected them with different dosages of Shilajit brain oedema means that there is swelling going on in your brain and this swelling causes a pressure within your skull to be raised and they found that these Shilajit treated groups had significantly less brain edema in intracranial pressure than rats retain a low dose or no dose at all this study was very promising to me once again I would like to see it in a human population before I can say yep if you got brain edema just have Sheila and you’ll be fine silly I was given three different types of Shilajit one a solid one a powder and one this like gooey substance and then I was also given instructions I assumed you’d get those same instructions if you ordered one of their products also kind of goes through which is which what products it’s your life and then also has a chemical pearl but that was super positive on their sites and they even talked about feel free to contact us for our certificate of analysis if you have any safety concerns I also liked that they were super upfront about any possible side effects like headache fatigue they had stomach issues making immune systems more sensitive so they talked about not using it during the flu season right away and obviously if you have an autoimmune disease um if they are making your immune system more sensitive if you have an autoimmune disease obviously your immune system it’s super sensitive so I wouldn’t recommend that for you and then they talked about kind of how to use it biggest takeaway that I had don’t mix it with tap water tap water has chloride and other chemicals in it that can react with the aftabi Shilajit making it not so safe for you also talked about taking it straight without food in the early morning or the evening I understand why we want me to take it straight but guys this stuff it says it may taste bitter no guys, it tastes kind of like ash it was not the worst thing I’ve ever tried but it is very better They also came with little measuring cups also talks about using these guys to make sure you’re getting the right and proper dosage of this so with that
Overall Opinion on Shilajit
What are my overall ideas about Shilajit I think Shilajit just like with any other dietary substance you have to be very very careful of where you get it because purity and safety and efficacy are up most important things for your health I thought that this company did a really good job you can ask them for their certificate of analysis of their purity others Shilajit companies I don’t know because they haven’t their product and I haven’t talked to them so that doesn’t mean that this is the only safe product out there I don’t know that because I wasn’t looking at other Shilajit products in regards to the health claims that it made overall idea it can’t hurt it can only help or improve I did look at the safety of it it seems like it’s a very safe product to take you do have to cycle through it so if you take it for an extended period of time and you have to be off of it also for an extended period of time and if you get to product sort of coaches you through that you have to then as a consumer do a little bit of your own research and see if it is worth the hassle of taking it every day two to three times a day if you want certain benefits and also the best shilajit price in pakistan of the product overall I think it’s promising it’s been used for 5,000 years for a reason so I think it’s something that we really should do more research on in humans in a long a period of time in a bigger study session I didn’t really have any problems with it when I was taking it a modest increase of energy audist increase of muscle recovery that anything that was too dramatic or a hallelujah moment that’s kind of below down in my research and opinion of pure Himalayan Shilajit you guys have any questions feel free to put it down in the comments or go over to my MountainSoul Shilajit facebook and learn a little bit more if you want more articles like this let me know I love researching in our world today there’s too many popping of pills and I would like to get rid of that thank you guys so much for read my experience and review and we’ll see you next time article soon.